A True Investor

by | Jan 26, 2013

This post is from Section III of our Investing Challenge!

It is such an encouragement to hear your perspectives, stories and insights! Here is a perfect example of what it means to invest in God’s Kingdom!

The word “investments” always makes me think of my grandpa. Since I was little, he would always talk about financial investments. Doctors in SurgeryExactly three years ago, my grandpa underwent his third open heart surgery. The doctors didn’t know if my grandpa would actually live through the surgery, due to his age and health. However, God was gracious and has blessed him with good health since that time. After that surgery, though, my grandpa has had a new perspective on what he wanted to invest the rest of his life doing – that was pouring himself into the lives of his thirteen grandchildren.

Each Monday morning, my grandpa comes to hear our Scripture memory. He not only keeps us accountable for memorizing each week, but he also asks us questions and makes us think about the passages that we are memorizing. Also, Grandpa gives a special reward to everyone who has completed their memorization work by treating them to lunch! This happens every week! In fact, my grandparents work to make sure that nothing interferes with this important time.

Grandfather & ChildGrandpa not only comes on Mondays, though. One of my brothers needed help in math. Although it has been many years since Grandpa has studied algebra, he tutors my brother every day, patiently helping him learn these difficult concepts. Some times after algebra tutoring, they go down to his workshop together and work on scroll-sawing projects. This godly influence in my younger brother’s life has made a huge impact.

Grandpa is also very faithful in reading God’s Word and praying each day for each of his children and grandchildren. My grandpa was the first generation Christian and came from a very rough and ungodly childhood. However, Grandpa uses his past as an opportunity to teach us what generational sins we have had in our past, so that we can walk in godliness and holiness before God.

Grandpa is also one of the best examples of a sower. Part of my grandparents’ daily routines is to visit our local Sam’s Club, not to shop, but to encourage and witness to any of the employees or customers in the store. As they walk around the store, they greet whoever is available to talk. So often, I hear of stories of people they met who needed prayer or encouragement. One TractsTaco Bell employee came to the Lord through my grandpa and began taking her entire family to church with my grandparents. Soon her husband became saved too! My grandpa told me that his goal is to pass out at least one tract every day, and he faithfully distributes New Testaments wherever possible.

Recognizing that life is short and our days are numbered, Grandpa has given the rest of his life to invest in the lives of others. He has been such an encouragement and blessing to me and has demonstrated effective sowing through his life.

~ Laura J.


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