On We Go!

by | Jan 12, 2013

So far, we’ve heard some very powerful truths
about investing and giving in the first Section of our Investing Challenge. 

RichThe concept that I am considered a rich person (and therefore am held accountable as one) and struggle with the issues of the rich hit me pretty hard. When I look at it that way, I realize how I squander the wealth God has given me, thinking all along that I really don’t have much, so it’s not a big deal how I use it.

Another point that struck me is how foolish we may look when we sow. This is a huge thing for me, because I fear man (which is a sin) and being thought of as foolish is hard for me to swallow. So it keeps me from sowing where God leads me to sow.  This, coupled with the fact that we’re not just talking about money,  really convicts me.  When I think of how I use my time, it makes me do a double take at what’s important in my life, because if time is part of my treasure, then it’s pretty telling where my heart is, and it isn’t always with Jesus.

A well- illustrated concept  was that while I may not see  the treasures that are being stored up for me today, I can go on in faith, trusting that God is doing what He promises, and that He is a rewarder. I realized how key that eternal view is. Then, one point I really loved, was when the question was asked, “Why does God want us to give?” and the answer came back, “To draw us closer to Him.” That is amazing, and so true.  God wants me in constant communion with Him, and when that fellowship is taking place, He has the opportunity to direct me and use me however He desires.

But now, we’re moving on to section number two:

Time and Money

What we can Invest.

We’ll be looking at two main resources that we can invest,

Time (through various ways), and of course money.

Here is our next list of verses underneath their respective categories.

II. What We Can Invest

In Prayer and Scripture:
Psalm 95:6
Psalm 5:3
Psalm 4:4
I Timothy 2:1-2

Hebrews 13:16
Titus 3:14
Titus 3:8a
Psalm 37:3

Psalm 145:6b
Psalm 22:22
Psalm 19:14

Matthew 6:3-4
Matthew 19:21

Don’t forget that for our final section “How We Can Invest” we’re looking for your input on practical ways that we can invest, or stories of how God used your investment to bless someone, or used someone else’s investment to bless you! Send your thoughts, scriptures, or stories to [email protected] by the 21st of January!


  1. Rachel

    Just clarifying, we to memorize these verses, correct?

    • Laura Oliverio

      Yes. 🙂 The list of verses that were posted today are the verses that need to be memorized for the challenge. Thanks for helping us clarify!

  2. Analisa Koenig

    How many verses AT A TIME do we need to say to our parents in order to complete the challenge?

    • Laura Oliverio

      You just have to be able to quote them all to your parents by the end of the month. So you can do it in one big chunk at the end, or little by little as you go. As long as you’ve at some point quoted each verse to your parents. (That’s a little different than our normal challenges, but this challenge is different. 🙂

  3. Barbara

    Thanks so much for setting up another challenge this year! I look forward to it every year. It is such a good way to get the year started on the right foot- walking with the Lord. Blessings on the whole Journey team!


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