The Forgotten Ones

by | Jan 25, 2013

The verse highlighted in this post is from Section III of our Investing Challenge.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

Walking through the trees I thought back over the last five years and God’s faithfulness. Manor CareDuring most of the time I’ve been in Chicago I’ve been involved in a ministry at a local nursing home Monday nights. And in all that time I’ve never been the only one there and there have always been residents to greet and to sing to. So often I’ve gone over having prayed to the Lord “I don’t feel like I have anything more to give. And yet I leave 45 minutes later having been encouraged by the very ones who I went to be a blessing to. It is amazing how God is not limited by few or many.
There are many excuses I’ve thought of over the years for not going. But it is such a blessing to be able to be with people who may not see a friendly face. It seems like the elderly get forgotten by our society in general and yet they have such stories and wisdom that they would love to tell you if you will just sit and listen. They will probably forget my name and All AloneI will probably hear the same story multiple times. But I’m there for them, to listen and to show the love of Christ. I’m reminded of what my Grandmother told me 22 years ago. “Grandchildren grow up and go off to school and forget their grandparents.” When I heard that my thought was, “I will not forget.”

Eight years ago the man who taught and discipled me finished his work here on earth and went to be with the Lord. His wife and four children were left without a father, husband or provider. They did have a Heavenly Father, husband, and provider who has faithfully provided for them over the years. And there have been opportunities to help in little ways. Whether it is just helping de-clutter, doing some roofing work, or unclogging a bathtub.
HelpingMay God bless each of us with a greater measure of His grace to see the forgotten around us and to be channels of His blessings.
Matthew 25:40b “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

~ Barak L.

1 Comment

  1. Matthew H

    Thanks Barak! It is encouraging to read about someone reaching out to the “outcasts” of society! We should instead, as you mentioned be honouring them!


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