The verse highlighted in this article is from Section II of our Investing Challenge.
“Oh come let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” Psalm 95:6
“Prayer is not preparation for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” – Oswald Chambers
I am not writing to guilt-trip you into clocking in more time on your “prayer checklist.” God’s concern is not our spiritual “checklists”; rather, His desire is for His children to gain a vision for spending time alone with Him. I think we would be staggered if we saw what took place in the heavenly realm as God’s children enter their prayer closets. Our prayers can move the hand of God and shake the powers of hell. There is such deep truth wrapped up in the poem “Satan trembles when he sees, the weakest saint upon his knees.”
Don’t miss the practicality of the discipline of prayer: it is you being willing to set aside all else (your activity, your entertainment, your friends, etc.), shut your door to a busy world, and get alone with God.
There are two secrets that have transformed my prayer life:
1. A love for being WITH God
When I view prayer as a religious duty, it is nothing short of drudgery. But when I view prayer as spending time with the God who loves me and desires a relationship with me, it is a delight! God actually wants to spend time with you – this is what will get you out of bed in the morning!
Let life take you nowhere until it has taken you first to your knees. I once heard someone talking of a Godly man who would pull away from activity in order to spend enough time with the Lord. The comment was made: “You can tell where his love life is.” Where is your “love life”? Are you wasting time flirting with the world or are you falling in love with Jesus Christ?
2. Gain a vision for YOUR prayers
My prayer life took on a whole new face when I learned that prayer was not just a means of maintaining a healthy spiritual life – by prayer I actually enter into the battle that is taking place in the heavenlies!
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians. 6:12
God hears YOUR prayers. As a Christian, you are seated with Christ in the heavenlies and your prayers have power! As you bow the knee on earth, you are entering the Throne Room of Heaven – the very Presence of God.
By prayer you can enter into someone else’s struggle.
By prayer you can move God’s hand to bring salvation to souls.
By prayer you can be part of a missionary’s work on the other side of the world.
By prayer you can impact the kingdom of God!
“There are preachers and teachers and bloggers without number, but the great need of the church is for men and women who will spend time alone with God.” – Paul Washer
Stir yourself up to take hold of your God! Get rid of your “checklist” and get alone with Him!
~ Becky K.
This is SO encouraging, Becky!!! I needed to be reminded again about what you told me at Journey!! Thanks again for all your prayers!
Still working on getting up in the morning… 🙂
Love you!!
~Anna Joy
Psalm 34:5