“For He is our peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.” – Ephesians 2:14
“No! No! This can’t be happening! This has to be a dream! No! He said He would never give us more than we can bear! This is too much! I can’t bear this! No!” I broke down and sobbed uncontrollably, but no amount of denial would change the cold reality that had just slapped me in the face… I would never see my Daddy on this earth again. This storm had come out of nowhere, but it was very real. I was shaken to the core. Fear and disbelief clouded my broken heart and waves of turmoil and anxiety threatened to crush me. Yet, it was in the midst of this fierce storm, God, in His faithfulness, sent His peace… His indescribable peace that goes so far beyond anything I could ever understand.
I think all of us have faced storms in our lives at some point or another. Some are big storms that threaten to crush us; some seem small in comparison, but, at the time, they feel as though they will crush us too.
One thing that God has been teaching me is, in those times when I face some of my greatest storms, He not only gives strength, but He is my strength. He not only gives peace… He is my peace.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but, in school, I always had a difficult time with the past tense, present tense, and future tense thing… and if you threw the word “perfect” in the middle, all that did was make me perfectly tense. 😉 But I do know that the word “is” is present tense. That means that it’s true right now. Not it was true, or it will be true… it is true. It’s not like “He will be our peace” or that “He gave us peace in the past, but this storm is bigger and I don’t know if He can give peace this time.” No! It’s true right now!
It’s here, in the midst of our storms, when the waves seem so close and peace seems so far… that the Prince of Peace steps in. He breaks down the walls that separate us from Him and His peace, wraps us in His everlasting arms, and gently whispers to our heart, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
What a blessed comfort to know, that in the face of any storm, no matter how high the waves are, no matter how loud the thunder is, and no matter how much it threatens to swallow us whole… we can stare straight into the face of our loving Savior and know that He is greater than any storm we will ever face, and that in the midst of it all He is our peace!
~ Amy
Amy, thank you so, so much for sharing this! I love this verse and I love the way you wrote about it. I can certainly identify with the feelings you mentioned, because I lost my Daddy as well, and have had other extremely painful life situations as well.
This was a very encouraging post and I want to thank you for letting the Lord use you in that way! 🙂
Psalm 107:29-30 and Psalm 68:5
Amy, what a wonderful testimony of God’s peace in stormy times! As my family is going through a stormy time right now, this was such an encouragement to me! God is bigger than the waves, His voice is louder than the thunder, and His light shines brighter than the lightning! We have God who brings peace in storms. May God bless you!
I am encouraged not only by what you have written here but also by how I have seen you live this out, Amy. Your life is living proof that God is peace.