“Too Far Gone for Help…”

by | May 19, 2014

I went on the Journey to the Heart knowing I needed it but not wanting to go because I felt like I was too far gone for help.

I had a lot of immorality in my life and I believed that there wouldn’t be any victory for me. I had a lot of depression and self-hatred because of the sin in my life and there was a lot of guilt that came with that sin. The NorthwoodsI wanted to be free but didn’t believe I could be. So anyways I went and when we were in the Northwoods, we talked about confessing our hidden sins to our parents. God convicted me and I knew He wanted me to tell my parents. I wrestled with it for a day but I was desperate for freedom and peace from the sins that I had. After I told them, there was a wall in my life that was broken down. I had never had any peace and freedom in my life like I have now from just submitting to God and just doing what He was telling me. And God showed lots of other things in my life that needed fixing that I had been so blind to before. So I encourage you wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, you should go and get away from all the distractions. God can show you a lot more when you aren’t distracted by your busy life.

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10″

— Joshua


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