::: Journey Memorization Challenge 2015 :::

by | Nov 14, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

I mean, Happy Thanksgiving! 😀

It’s lovely … every year we mark annual events on our cheerful little calendars and we anticipate with clasped hands and joy in our hearts, the up-coming celebrations, such as:



!Fourth of July!

Summer holidays {aka ‘vacation’}




And STOP right there.


I don’t know what’s written on your calendar; but, here at the Journey office, the beginning of the new year means one thing… {all right, it means more than just one thing; but, specifically, it means one thing}…


That’s right, folks! This is your friendly reminder that Living the Journeys’ Annual Memorization Challenge will be happening in less than two months, starting January 1st, 2015!!!

So this is your ‘pre-event announcement’ for you to start ‘training’ and to give your old brain muscles a stretch before we start our 31 day marathon of memorization!

We’re looking forward to going through this with you and are excited to hear thoughts and insights as shared by some of our past Journey Leadership. 🙂

{stay tuned for when 2015’s chapter will be announced!}

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

~The Journey Team


  1. Janet Kiessling

    Sounds amazing…:)
    I am looking forward to the challenge. Going to even get the girls going in on it – Jaclynn & Jessa & the rest of the family.
    Have a blessed weekend….

  2. Esther Ong

    I am a Mom from Malaysia. Our family is ATI family. We will visit US next year and would like to enrol my children, both 18 and 15 next year for Journey to the Heart. Will be in US sometime June 30th onwards. Hence, looking to join for the Ladies from 11-21 July & for my son, 8 – 18 Aug, 2015. Hope U can guide me and give me some suggestions. God Bless!

  3. Makenzie

    I have signed up and am looking forward to the July Journey to the heart! I cant wait to see what God will do in my life and in the lives of the other girls who attend! Who else is going to be attending? Also, are we able to go more than once?


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