A Special Announcement! And a Reminder….

by | Dec 29, 2014

This year has been amazing! It’s been hard in some ways, and yet, when it comes to seeing God work, it has been incredible!

As we look ahead into the New Year, we are so excited to work with more young people during the Journey Season, and we are REALLY excited to start this year off with another JOURNEY CHALLENGE!!! We will be memorizing an entire chapter of Scripture within the month of January with daily posts here on Living the Journey to go along with each verse. There will be a prize for those who complete the Challenge!
So stay tuned and tell your friends and family, because we’ll be announcing the chosen passage at midnight on December 31st!



Now for our special announcement! We are extra grateful because God has opened the door to a special blessing! We are planning to hold a Father’s Journey (which means a Men’s Journey for any man who is married, or who is over 30) in February of this coming year!

Busy DadFathers have a lot of responsibility, a lot of pressures, and they have normal struggles like everyone else. Because of all that, sometimes it’s hard for them to have enough time to enjoy good fellowship with Jesus. This is an opportunity for them to take time away and re-focus on Christ, who He is, and what He wants to say to them.

So, we have a favor to ask of each of you; if you think your dad (or any other dad or older men you know) would be blessed by this time with Jesus, then we want you to tell them about this opportunity! Even more than that, we’re asking you to pray that God would make a way for your Dad, Mowing the Lawnor uncle, or grandfather, or pastor or whoever, to come. We’re challenging you to take a minute and think of what you might be willing to do to make it possible for them to go. Whether it’s chipping in for the travel costs or registration, or maybe doing more around the house so Dad can leave, whatever it might be!  We want to see our fathers encouraged, strengthened, excited to follow Christ, serve in God’s kingdom, and we want you to be part of it!

Here are some practical details that might be useful:

Date: Saturday February 7th through Sunday February 15th, 2015
Location: IMI Campus in Burnett TX
Cost: $800 per person, for ATI Members the cost is $500 per person. (Groups rates are available for both ATI members and non-ATI members. Contact us for details. [email protected])
We will need a minimum number of participants to hold the Journey, so the sooner the men register, the better.
For Further details and to view the registration page go to: www.iblp.org/journey.

We know that God wants to draw near to us as we draw near to Him, so we are already praying that this year, many will be changed by coming into a closer walk with Jesus. Thanks to all of you who have been a part of the work God is doing, whether it was attending a Journey, sending someone, paying for someone, or praying for someone.

God’s grace and blessings to you all as we move into this New Year!!

The Journey Team!

1 Comment

  1. Janet Kiessling

    We are ready and looking forward to this amazing challenge….:)
    Blessings – the Kiessling family


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