Hear It From the Guys

by | May 11, 2017

So, we asked some guys to tell their story and how Journey fit into that. Do they think it is worth it – practical and beneficial – for guys to go? They already have so much going on trying to figure out life: work, school, girl to marry, family to start, etc. Here’s what they said. . .

Ian Boyes

  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering
  • Civil Service for the Air Force
  • Travels around the world frequently
  • Teaches college/career Sunday School class
  • Involved in Homeschool Robotics team

“Most of the guys (including Christians) I met in college had little or no vision for their lives. It seemed like they were going to college mainly to figure out what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives (and perhaps find a wife). If I want to hear from God about whether to go to college, what to major in, what career to pursue, what job to take, how to prepare for marriage, etc., I must learn to hear His voice. So for guys in high school, college, working full time, or not really doing anything, the Journey is an opportunity to begin to learn to hear God’s voice. Then He will direct them along each step. This is definitely practical and beneficial at any stage in life!”

Sam Oliverio

  • Missionary to the Philippines for a couple years
  • Lots of travel and unique experiences
  • Life is full of fun and adventure
  • Helped with several Christian camps
  • Ministry and Leadership Coach

“Journey gave me a glimpse of God’s heart, and my own. How messed up I truly am, and how loving He always is. Obviously, that changes everything. To those who are wondering about the future – schools, jobs, a spouse, career paths, families – I would say now is the best time to go on a Journey. It’s in the midst of confusion that you need clarity the most. If you truly want the best for your life and future, then you’ll take some time now and invest in it. You won’t regret it.”

Nate Paine

  • State Chaplain for the Arkansas Department of Corrections
  • Bachelors in Biblical Ministry
  • Licensed and ordained for ministry
  • Firearms shooting enthusiast
  • Loves fishing, camping and the outdoors

“Journey provided an opportunity to get ALONE with the Lord and to seek Him for myself. After returning to help with at least 7 other [Journeys], I could not have invested my finances, time, and energy in something more beneficial at that point in my life then in Journey to the Heart.”

Brent Thomas

  • COO of Verity College Education
  • Degree in Business Admin.
  • Real Estate Broker
  • Basketball Coach
  • Loves volleyball, basketball, golf, ultimate frisbee, and anything outdoors

“My life was changed forever [at Journey]. I had tasted and seen in new ways that the Lord is truly good and desires to have personal fellowship with me. Daily priorities take on different levels of importance; opportunities are evaluated from a new set of values; significance is found in the mundane; the pull of temporal pursuits begins to fade, replaced by eternally significant endeavors. With these results in mind, it is SO worth the investment of time and money to attend a Journey!”

Adam Thomas

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
  • Pursuing an Associate’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Works at a engineering firm
  • Loves sports

“Journey to the Heart is a very unique experience in a good way. I mean, where else can you dedicate an entire week to pursuing Christ from morning ‘till night with like-minded young men? Not only do you experience Christ in a deeper more intimate way, but you get to experience rich, Christian fellowship. I know for me it’s much easier to stay focused on a goal or commitment when there are other people right beside me striving for the same thing. It really sets you on a good trajectory of success in your walk with the Lord. When I get home from a Journey I always seem to have a little more direction and definitely a better outlook on life in general.”

Sam Waller

  • Communications and executive assistant
  • Traveled to 46 of the 50 states and 10 countries
  • Enjoys frisbee, volleyball, soccer, and other sports

“I think it is important that we take a few moments to slow down and refocus on what really matters. I believe that anytime you chose to seek the Lord will not be wasted.”

So how about you guys? How does Journey fit into your story? If you haven’t been yet or if you need a recharge, consider coming to one of our events this year.

Guys’ Journey in Northwoods, MI (June 17-25)
Men on Mission in Oak Brook, IL (August 3-6)
Guys’ Journey in Big Sandy, TX (September 23 – October 1)


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