Redemption Through His Blood

by | Jan 14, 2021

“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:”

Colossians 1:14

As I meditated on this verse, the first thing that stood out to me was the gospel, the redeeming work of His death on the cross. Verse thirteen talks about being delivered from darkness and transferred into the kingdom of His Son which is light. Verse fourteen goes a bit deeper in explaining the word redemption or (ransom in full). This again stood out to me because of the full and complete work that He did on our behalf. The Bible repeatedly and clearly states that His work in our lives is a complete work that can only be received.

The next phrase “through his blood” describes what kind of price was paid for my justification. It was His son’s very own blood, and the laying down of His life. Why did He do this? Because of His love. I really thought a lot about the extent He went to in redeeming us so that we could have fellowship with Him. He not only forgives the sins we have committed, but His blood makes it possible for us to have a personal, daily relationship with the Father.

This short verse brings me much hope and encouragement. It reminds me of the power God’s Word has on our daily lives and the rewards that come from meditating on scripture.

-Daniel B


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