Listen To Austin Forsyth Share About What God Did In His Life On Journey To The Heart!
Austin Forsyth grew up in a great Christian home but began to hang out with wrong friends and rebel against his parents. In 2010, God brought Austin on a Journey to the Heart. Listen to the above video to hear Austin share how God changed his life as he sought the...“Too Far Gone for Help…”
I went on the Journey to the Heart knowing I needed it but not wanting to go because I felt like I was too far gone for help. I had a lot of immorality in my life and I believed that there wouldn’t be any victory for me. I had a lot of depression and self-hatred...Unlovable
When I attended my first Journey, God did amazing things in my life. He gave me assurance of my salvation, and helped me deal with a lot of lies. When I found out that I could come back, I was thrilled. I had grown lukewarm, and although I didn’t know it, I had become...
A Marvelous Breakthrough!
I am so very thankful to Mr. Gothard, all those who prayed, prepared, and served at and for the Mother’s Journey. What a blessing it was to be in one accord with other mothers! Before I left for the Journey, I felt a heaviness in my chest continuously. The...
“I Had Never Given God My Whole Heart”
I grew up in a Christian family and had memorized scripture throughout my life, but had never truly “heard from God.” While I was on the Journey, all the leaders kept emphasizing the importance of giving your WHOLE heart to God by repenting and trusting...
I Am a Child of God
I grew up with my mom and step-dad and I didn’t know my real dad. My mom and step-dad were drug addicts. They both smoked and drank. They were constantly telling me that I was worthless and a burden. When I was 14, my mom passed away. I questioned God. “Why did you...
“Sure, I believed Scripture…”
A testimony from the June 2013 Girls Journey! What? Me? That lovely young lady who goes to youth group, sings every Sunday in choir,and works as hard as she can during Church projects? Yep, the same one. I’d been in ATI since before I was born! My grandparents...
God’s Will is Perfect
A testimony from the March Girls’ Journey! “A few days prior to the Journey starting, with absolutely no warning, my fiancee of four months e-mailed me and broke off our engagement. “Andrew’s” reasoning was feeble and made no sense. God...