2016 Challenge Winners!!

by | Feb 17, 2016

All right! After 2+ weeks of anticipation . . . we have our list of Journey Challenge Completers! 😀 Well done, everybody! ‘Challenges’ are not typically easy, but this year’s Memory Challenge was particularly . . . well, challenging – so again, a hearty well done and congratulations!

Amy Schwartz

Angela Hsu

Carolynn Davis

Carolyn Hills

Daniel Hancock

Hannah Espineda

Jayla Gillaspie

Jillian Bretto

Jonathan Staddon

Jubilee Allison

Julianne Mellas

Kimberly Davis

Laura Johnson

Monique Cann

Peace Lu

Rachel Birks

Rachel Crosswhite

Rachel Schwartz

Sarah Espineda

Sarah Stelzl

Stephanie Hills

Stephen Schwartz

Also, a tremendous thank you to our Challenge post writers – thank you for using the gift of words to bless and encourage all those who read them!

All-righty, for those of you who completed the Challenge, your prizes have just arrived, and we will be shipping them to you, Lord willing, before the end of this month!

May each one of us continue in pursuing Christ through the memorization of and meditation on His Word.

Journey On!

The Journey Team

(P.S. If your name is not on the list above but you completed the 2016 Memory Challenge, please email us.)

1 Comment

  1. Mrs. Rachel Birks

    Hello Journey to the Heart Team Friends,
    I wanted to send a HUGE thank you for the journal & book I received for successfully completing the 2016 Memorization Challenge! I treasure my new journal especially.
    This Challenge to memorize & meditate on our Lord’s Word was an awakening experience for me. It definitely helped begin my new year with a righteous routine & mindset.

    Thank You for the bottom of my heart!

    In Christ’s Love,
    Mrs. Rachel Birks


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