“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”
Ephesians 1:6
God has richly favored us by bringing us into sonship through Jesus Christ. He wanted it to be this way; not merely creatures, but actually children who have the same life and nature as their Father. How God did this, I do not think we can fully grasp. But we do know that He has done it! Jesus, God’s Beloved Son, gave Himself–He died to sin, was buried, and raised according to God’s purpose. And God has said that what Jesus has done puts us right with Himself–that we have also died to sin and been raised to life in Christ. And those who receive and hold fast to God’s Word on this matter shall live in Him and enjoy Him forever. God has done this because it was in His heart to do so–He wanted to, it was His pleasure, His purpose–“to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.”
God made us accepted in the Beloved. Some people really struggle with being accepted. Perhaps you don’t feel good enough. Perhaps you have been rejected by someone important in your life. Perhaps you’re struggling with being single. Perhaps you’re trying to NOT care too much what your peers think but deep down there’s a hole inside. Let me be so bold to say that you will not find in any person or anything in this world what God IS to you at this moment. He has MADE US ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED.
The only one acceptable to God is His Beloved Son. Its not man’s flesh or fleshly deeds. He had to CREATE US in Christ Jesus, JOIN US to Him if you will, make us ONE–so that we could share in all the Life and fullness of the Son of God.
Mind you, God did not do this because He was forced to, commanded, or coerced. It was HIS PURPOSE and GOOD PLEASURE–“to the praise of the glory of His grace.” In other words, He wanted to and found it deep in His heart to make us acceptable in the Beloved. Most religious talk these days surrounding the topic of “free will” is as it pertains to man, but have you ever thought about the free will of God? And if He, being absolutely free to do anything, chose to make us His Beloved children in Christ, then shall we not entrust ourselves to Him and His will for us? And shall we not praise Him whose glorious grace accomplished what is so amazing? I’m reminded of a verse to a hymn: “What a mercy is this? What a Heaven of bliss?! How unspeakably favored am I?! Gathered into the fold with believers enrolled–with believers to live and to die!” (True Happiness)
“Hallelujah! Father, Thank You! We bless and praise You whose glorious grace has made us to BE accepted in the Beloved. We recognize that You have done this for Your own purpose and pleasure. It is not our merits or might, but You ONLY! May you open our hearts more to the riches and glory of Yourself. Let us be Your Beloved children indeed. Thank you for your Word! Thank you for revealing Yourself. And please continue to guide us into all Your Reality. Thank You, Thank You, Thank you! Amen.
-Tim Forman