Am I Seeking The Lord?

by | Jan 11, 2019

“Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near”

Isaiah 55:6

“Lord, am I seeking You? Am I seeking You while You may be found and calling upon You while You are near?

You said, “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find (Matthew 7:7),” and that You are near to all who call upon You, to all who call upon You in truth (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭145:18‬). I sense You saying, “seek ME, seek My face,” for sometimes I seek You because I’m really seeking something else. Or I don’t seek You until things get desperate.

To “seek” is to resort to, to go to, to search for, to try to discover, to inquire after, to pursue.

To “call upon”is to oblige, to require, to elicit a response, to summon.

Lord, this means that You may be found by us, and that You may be inquired of by us. Wow!

That word “while” makes me wonder if there is a time when You, Lord, may not be found and when You may not be near. Let us not wait until that time. This day, let us call upon You and turn our attention towards You. Allow our hearts and our minds to be conscious of Your presence, and make us attentive to You as the habit of our inner being.

Lord, our thoughts and our ways need to come from above and not below. Grant us a holy pursuit of You! Jesus, thank you that You have depended entirely upon Your Father and offered Yourself fully unto Him so that we may be filled with Your very Life and Spirit! Thank you for Your commandments, Your words, and Your promises by which we receive from You deliverance from self! YOU are the goal! YOU are our WAY, our TRUTH (REALITY), and our LIFE! Hallelujah!

It’s not about ME getting better, ME improving MY flesh, or ME getting into heaven where I get MY mansion. Wow! It’s not about ME, period!

But Lord, without You, I am doomed to live for myself! Apart from You, I CANNOT seek You the way You want me to. I call upon You, my Lord! I look to You now, my only Savior. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Lord, thank you for being near and for letting us find You! Let the first thing be a turning aside to You; not to our work, not to our emails, not to another person, not to the tasks of the day though they be good. The priority of this day is YOU!

Let us take time to turn off the music, the radio, the social media, and listen to your word, to reflect upon your commandments and promises. Give us this day, our daily bread! Thank you that You are near and You want us to seek You out. For You hide Yourself SO THAT those of us who seek You may find You. For You desire to be found by us and it is Your delight that we would inquire if You. We offer ourselves to You for Your desire “to seek You while You may be found.”

-Tim Forman


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