Wow! It is hard to believe that another Journey Challenge has been completed. We are so thankful for all of you that participated in the Journey Challenge during the month of January and memorized and meditated on John 15. Although the Journey Challenge has finished the Journey of memorizing and meditating on the Word to cultivate an intimate relationship with God continues on, not just as a month long activity, but rather a journey of daily going deeper in our relationship with the Lord through spending time receiving His Word through meditating on it.
It is our joy and privilege to extend a hearty congratulations to those that completed the Journey Challenge during the month of January:
Lydia Bennett
Rebekah Swarr
Larry Swarr
Katey Nakatsu
Brent Thomas
Rachel Thomas
Elizabeth Carver
Maria Carver
Abigail Del Mul
Destinee Kuepfer
Hailey Kuepfer
If you started memorizing John 15 and meditating on it but did not finish it during the month of January, don’t be discouraged! Just continue on daily meditating on the Word and seeking the Lord.
May the Lord richly bless each one of you as you continue to seek the face of our Lord and abide in His Word!
“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (John 15:7)
Blessings In Christ,
The Journey to the Heart Office
PS. If you don’t see your name on this list but completed the challenge please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing us at [email protected].