“For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him.”
Colossians 1:16
Believing that God made everything in heaven and on earth is foundational to Christianity. It would be hard (actually impossible!) for someone to believe every aspect of the Bible except creation. We can all agree that being a follower of God means believing Him and what He says about how the earth was formed.
For some of us, however, our belief in creation means simply that we don’t believe in evolution. Dispelling the lie that the world was made by some crazy explosion apart from God is good and right, but we often fail to recognize that there is much more to creation than believing that God made everything in seven days and that it was all good.
As an artist determines what his painting will look like with every brush stroke, and the potter determines the shape of his masterpiece, so our Creator fashioned us skillfully and purposefully. He made us to fill a purpose, not just to take up space on earth. We read in verse 16 that “all things were created by Him.” As Bible-believers we whole-heartedly agree! But we can’t skip over the following phrase: “and for Him.”
Now this is what takes things to a whole new level! Not only are we made by God, but we are also made for Him, which means that our very existence is for His pleasure, His purposes, and His glory. Not only should we embrace the truth that God created us, but we must also acknowledge that He made us for a purpose!
If the reality of creation doesn’t change everything about who we are, and the way we live our lives, then something’s wrong; we aren’t really getting it.
As Creator, God is the One who has the right to define His creation. We aren’t defined by the world, our friends, or even our own ideas or feelings. God earned the right to determine our purposes when He chose to create us. After forming man out of dust, God didn’t hightail it back to His heavenly throne; He walked and talked with His beloved creation, and delighted in what He had made.
The same truth remains today: God designed you and I for Himself—for His own pleasure and purpose. He wants our lives to be a picture of His love, beauty, and grace to a dark and lost world. If we, even after believing that God made the world, continue to live daily for our own pleasures and desires, what sets us Christians apart from everyone else?
When we gave our lives to Christ, a transfer occurred. No longer were we slaves of sin, yet we were still slaves. Wait, what? That’s right—slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). We were freed from sin and became enslaved to God (which is actually quite freeing!) Because of these two glorious truths: God created us and He redeemed us, we now have the opportunity and responsibility to serve Him alone. He must sit on the throne of our hearts, call the shots in our lives, and control the thoughts in our minds. When we acknowledge that we were made by Him, let’s not forget that we were also made for Him, because that changes everything. God has plans for us that are good, but they can only be attained as we seek Him and purpose to live for Him.
-Katey N