The Value of Words

by | Jan 21, 2013

The verse highlighted in this post is from Section II of our Investing Challenge.

 “May the Words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight. O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)

 Suppose you and I inherited a rare gift. Although this inheritance was given freely, the value is dependent on its use. You and I are constantly giving it away but never lack a steady supply. WordsWe use this gift from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed. (and some of you use it in your sleep!) You might be wondering…what is this gift? Your words.

Words have the power to give life or speak death. Foolishly given, they cut deeply into the hearts and lives of those around us but wisely given they bring life and peace. Did you know that your words are one of the most powerful ways we can invest in the Kingdom of God? Your words are also one of the most harmful weapons you possess.

If you were given a $1 for every wise word you spoke, how rich or poor would you be? Sobering thought! Let’s consider this for a minute… what are some of the most frequent ways we communicate with others? OneFacebook, Google+, Twitter, instant messaging, texting and phone calls consume a lot of our lives in an age where modern technology has entirely taken over the social world.

Roughly 95% of all teens ages 12-17 are now online and 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites. Did you know that there are over 37,639,339 Facebook users that are between the ages of 18-24 in the US alone? Have you considered the impact social media would have in our generation if used wisely? Are YOU using social media wisely for the Kingdom of God?

In Psalm 19:14, David is basically dedicating his thought life and the use of his mouth to the God who saved and redeemed Him. Are the words you speak and the thoughts of your heart pleasing to God? Is it impacting the world for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom? God has given you and I the gift of words to share with the world the Good News of the Gospel. WordsHave we cheapened this calling by poor investments of our words? Maybe you’re not sure how to “course correct”? Start each day with praying the words of Psalm 19:14. God’s wisdom will direct your steps as you seek to invest in His Kingdom.

~ Laura J.

1 Comment

  1. Anna Joy

    If I were given a dollar for every wise word I spoke… I probably wouldn’t be very rich. 🙂
    Great insights, Laura!!


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