A testimony from the March Girls’ Journey!
“A few days prior to the Journey starting, with absolutely no warning, my fiancee of four months e-mailed me and broke off our engagement. “Andrew’s” reasoning was feeble and made no sense. God gave me more strength, peace and comfort than I could ever have imagined. Knowing how much my first Journey to the Heart (March 2008) impacted my life, my mom suggested I go on another one. Immediately, my sister exclaimed that there was one coming up in five days, because her friend’s friend was going to it. We called the Journey office and discovered that the March Journey was full, but they would see what they could do. A few hours later, they called back and said they were able to make room for me and my sister to go together. By the time all the paperwork was filled out and travel arrangements were made, I had three days to get ready. My boss graciously allowed me to leave with four days’ notice, at a great inconvenience to herself; and before I knew what was happening, I was on the train from Syracuse, NY, bound for Chicago, IL.
Even though I was four or five years older than most of the girls on the team, I was amazed to see the wisdom that God gives young people. Once I was in the Northwoods, I felt God telling me to take it easy and not worry that I didn’t find hundreds of heart issues. He told me to relax in Him and be an encouragement to the other girls on my team.
As we went over the various hearts, I began to get discouraged. Why wasn’t God answering my questions? Many of the things we were talking about, I had recently dealt with and given to God during my courtship. I am so thankful for the quiet time I was able to spend alone with God. He graced me with excitement for Him and His word! The pages of my Bible came alive as I read of God’s unchanging character!
God showed Himself to me in ways I didn’t expect. Since my first reaction upon getting “dumped” by “Andrew” was to turn to God, I already felt very close to Him. It’s amazing and comforting to know that you can always get closer to God! I had been struggling with asking God ‘why?’ – Why, when He brought “Andrew” and I together in the most amazing way, did He let it fall apart like this? I wrestled with that all week long. The morning of our walk around the lake, God began to answer me. First, he began to show me lies I had been believing.
In the van on the way to the Northwoods, we read through a booklet of the Names of God. I wrote down every single name that popped out to me, regardless of what it was. As I prepared myself for the walk around the lake, I looked over the names of God I had copied over and realized that each one appealed to me because it was something I wished I had. Reading through my list of names, I was stunned to see lies from Satan jumping out at me. Crying, I gave them over to God and asked Him to forgive me for believing lies about His character.
The day before the Journey ended, God answered my question of “Why did You let me love ‘Andrew’, only to rip him away from me like this?” I realized that God was teaching me how to love; how to really love someone, unconditionally. By letting me love “Andrew”, God was showing me how much He loved me. God knew that a relationship with “Andrew”, at this point in his life, would be a hindrance to my walk with the Lord, and He had been bracing my heart. I love God so much that I was, and am, willing to trust that He knows what is best for my spiritual walk with Him.
I still have a long, sad road ahead of me, but I choose to believe that God’s will is perfect. He has comforted me through my sorrow, and strengthened me through my trials. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me next!”
Heather, you don’t know me, but I know your sister Grace. We were on the Journey together last year. Thank you for sharing. I will be praying for you!