It is Our Pleasure to Announce …

by | Feb 11, 2015

… the names of those who have completed the

2015 Journey Memorization Challenge!!

{excluding Journey leaders}

kids jumping

Amy Schwartz

Anna Ferraro

Anna Joulfaian

Bethany Ferraro

Bethany Johnson

Bethany Vanderford

Carolyn Hills

Charity Morrison

Christen Richardson

Daniel Hancock

Elisa Joulfaian

Erika Wenzel

Faith Sun

Grace Lu

Hannah Espineda

Jaclynn Kiessling

Janet Kiessling

Jalya Gillaspie

Jenna Kiessling

Jessa Kiessling

Jillian Bretto

Joanna Wilson

Jonathan Mellas

Joshua Zhang

Joyce Lu

Julianne Mellas

Kara Honberger

Kayla Hills

Laura Johnson

Lauren DeFouw

Lisa Johnson

Loice Morrison

Mary Morrison

Matthew Hancock

Melissa Patterson

Michelle Martin

Monique Cann

Nathan Campbell

Nathan Mellas

Nicole Mellas

Peace Lu

Rachel Crosswhite

Rachel Schwartz

Sarah Ha

Seth Campbell

Sophie Railing

Stephanie Hills

Stephen Hills

Stephen Schwartz

Our heartiest congratulations to each one of you who have taken the Challenge and finished strong!

We know that God will add His blessing to you for the time you invested in meditating on and memorizing His Words.

Blessings to you all in your pursuit of our Beloved Savior!

{if you’ve completed the Challenge, but your name isn’t on this list, please, please, PLEASE email us so we can add it! =) [email protected]}

P.S. We are having fun putting your prizes together so we can ship them out to you soon! So be on the lookout for them within this month!


  1. Sarah

    Thanks for hosting it! It was wonderful memorizing as a community of JttH people!

  2. Rachel Irene

    Congratulations, everyone!! 🙂

  3. David

    What’s the memorizing challenge
    Is there another one sometime,

    • sfredrickson

      Hello David,

      {We apologize for the amount of time it’s taken us to reply to your comment!}

      The memorization challenge is something that our blog {Journey to the Heart} hosts every January, for those who are interested in participating. We choose a chapter from the Bible to memorize together {this most recent January, we memorized Isaiah 40} – at the end of the month, those who completed the “challenge” email our office, letting us know that they quoted the entire chapter to someone (either parent, mentor or friend). Then we send out a prize to the victors! {Usually a good book that we’ve found recently} Throughout each day of the Challenge, we share a post on our blog corresponding with one of the verses, written by those who have previously helped lead or assist on a Journey. In answer to your second question, Lord willing, we will be hosting another memorization challenge in January, 2016! 🙂

      Blessings on your day!


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