Dear Young People,
Are you interested in ministering to children? Are you willing to travel to other countries to fulfill that desire? Are you interested in discovering how you can do that now? If so, this opportunity may be for you!
We are seeking mature young men and women to serve as teachers during our International Children’s Institutes. This three-week four-day assignment in Southeast Asia will allow you to impact the lives of children with God’s love and truth. Teaching children in a foreign country will develop your communication and intercultural skills. While serving as a teacher, you will also have the opportunity to learn about the culture, religion, language, and history of each country you visit.
Maturity, a passion for Christ, and a desire to share His Gospel with others are the key qualities you will need for this mission. The training for teaching a Children’s Institute will take place during the trip to help prepare you for the task. Along with teaching four Children’s Institutes,
there will be additional opportunities to share the Gospel and to minister in orphanages, childcare facilities, and youth meetings. Come prepared to learn ministry skills and to make new friends and to touch children’s lives for Jesus.
IBLP Southeast Asia would like to invite you to join us for our 2015 Children’s Institute Trip, May 30–June 24, 2015! This is a unique opportunity to teach children from three diverse countries and cultures: Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. For more information about this opportunity, please visit For additional questions, please contact our International Department by phone (630-323-9800, ext. 352) or email ([email protected]).
For more details:
We hope to hear from you!
IBLP International