“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of me:”
John 15:26
As I meditated on this verse, the answer to three questions stood out to me; when, who, and what?
“When the Comforter is come.”
Imagine how astounded you would feel as one of the disciples hearing Jesus telling you that the Spirit of God is going to come to you! Along with the what seems to you like terrible news – the news that that Jesus is going to be be leaving – you are being given a wonderful promise; the Spirit of God is going to come and be with you forever. The Life of the Father will no longer be on the outside only, but also within you. Forever. What hope would fill your soul as you looked forward to the fulfillment of this promise. As I meditated on this verse, however, I began to recognize that you and I stand in a very different place than the disciples. Just as the prophets had long prophesied of the coming of Jesus and we rejoice in the fact that He has already come, so we are now on the receiving end of this foretold coming of the Comforter. The Comforter, Jesus said, will come. You and I can now shout with joy, “The Comforter has come.”
The Spirit of God is alive! He is within His children. And He is at work. Not only is He at work within those of us who are filled with His Spirit, He is also at work in the world around us in ways we cannot even imagine. The Comforter has come into this world. The ‘when’ is now.
Now we know that the Comforter has come, but who is He?
“Even the Spirit of truth”
The Comforter Who has come is specifically defined as being the Spirit of Truth. This reality made my heart throb with calm assurance. Truth. Politicians, news programs, entertainment, and social media are saturated with subtle deceptions and outright lies. Friends can deceive and turn on us. Even our own hearts are riddled with falsehood and are unutterably confusing and shadowed with selfish designs. We reach the point when we feel that there is nothing and no one we can trust anymore.
But there is One Who cannot lie.
“In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;” Titus 1:2
Think of it, my friends! Oh, let it sink down into your soul as you speak it to yourself over and over, He cannot lie. It is impossible that your Father should speak to you anything but what is completely accurate and absolutely free of deception or error. When we go to His Word, we can be certain that the One who is speaking is giving us nothing but pure truth (Proverbs 30:5). Might we be confused or faulty in our listening? Of course. But that does not change the truthfulness of the One speaking and His ability to lead us into all truth.
When the Spirit of God – The Spirit of Truth Who has come to us – confronts the lies we believe, sometimes it seems easier not to listen. But the more we receive the Spirit of Truth and believe His Word, the more we come to prove His trustworthiness and the more fully we can lean on Him. There is nothing so comforting as the truth. Because truth is reality and Truth is essence of Who God is. In fact, He defines Himself – His Spirit – as truth. Those Who trust in Him will not be disappointed.
The world may seem to be gaining the upper hand through their deceptions, but the truth – the Spirit of Jesus – will always win. Does the world seem dark to you today? No, doubt it is. Yet our Father knows the darkness around and within us. And His answer is to give us His Spirit of truth Who leads us into all truth. His answer is to speak Life to us. To share with us the facts. Sometimes difficult and humbling, other times thrilling and comforting.
As I meditated on the truthfulness of God, I was flooded with calm. No longer need we lean on emotions or be tossed to and fro with the world whose trends and self seeking tactics are so quick to entangle us. We have the Spirit of Truth and the Word He has spoken to us. He is not going to trick us. He is not going to pull the chair out from under us when we go to rest upon it. It is impossible for Him to do so! He cannot. He comes to testify within and without us of Himself. The Comforter has come. He is here. He is at work. And our Father cannot deceive us.
And what has the Holy Spirit of God come to do?
“He shall testify of me”
The world may try to distract us from Him. Our flesh may scream doubts at us. The people around us may mock or ignore Him. But the fact remains – Jesus is alive and He is at work. His Holy Spirit of truth is always bearing witness of Jesus Christ. As I looked at John chapter fifteen and at the beginning of chapter sixteen, I recognized that Jesus was describing a coming darkness. He described life threatening persecution, pain, hatred, and separation. He promised such a future while in the same breath He describes the Comforter. The Comforter will testify of me, He says. And we see that He does so in the midst of the darkness of persecution and hate. The power, the name, the very person of Jesus Christ is being testified to today by His powerful Holy Spirit.
Take heart, dear children of God! Jesus Christ has sent Holy Spirit to testify of Himself in the midst of this dark world. He cannot lie. He cannot be stopped. The Comforter has come. Let us be filled daily with His Spirit and Truth and know His unutterable truthfulness and consolation.
Bethany C.
Thank you, Bethany! Your thoughts on this verse encouraged my heart this morning. You gave a glimpse of the depth of the riches Christ has for us in His Word!