June 2013 Guys Journey

by | Jun 24, 2013

These young men are heading up to the beautiful Northwoods of Michigan today on a Journey to the Heart!

Please join us in praying Jeremiah 29:13 for them: “Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”


  1. Daniel Pinkerton

    Journey Update:

    Frome one of the Journey Leaders:
    “…God is already doing amazing things!!…there is much brokenness!!,..Praise Him!!”

  2. Administrator

    This morning we received an encouraging report from one of the Journey leaders up in the Northwoods!

    “The Lord really blessed our time up in the tower last night following a message by Paul and Jenny Speed!! (https://embassyinstitute.org/media/openness-and-brokenness)
    Things I am hearing from the guys:
    ‘My life has been turned upside down.’
    ‘Before I thought prayer was for mealtimes and church, but now I am doing it all day long.’
    ‘I had no idea how much I have hurt my siblings. I can’t wait to get home and make things right with them.’
    ‘I can’t believe we prayed for almost two hours!'”

    Thank you for your continued prayers for these guys as they enjoy spending time with the Lord!


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