Sound Bytes from the June Girls Journey

by | Jun 20, 2013

Thank you so much for your prayers for the young ladies on the Journey last week! One father wrote us and said, “My daughter just returned from her time at Journey to the Heart and I wanted to expressly thank you. She called me on Wednesday of last week and with tears, shared at length about how God was moving in her heart in ways that she never imagined.”

There were dozens of powerful testimonies at our Saturday evening meeting. Here is a short audio clip to give you just a glimpse of how the Lord was working! Praise Him!

Download MP3: June Girls Journey Testimonies Audio Clip
(6 min. 6MB)


  1. Mallory Devine

    O bless the LORD! Each one of these young ladies testimonies is such a witness to God’s perfection, power & in-fathomable love! Thank-you to each of you for sharing, and to whoever was involved in putting this clip together– I have been so blessed! Precious truth & blessing!

  2. Johannah

    Such an encouragement to listen to these! I will definitely come back to it whenever I need a reminder of what God did through this Journey!

  3. Jan

    The testimonies of these precious young ladies are so moving and encouraging. Please pray with me that my daughter will be willing to go on a Journey very soon.


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