Take Time To Finish Memorizing Isaiah 55

by | Jan 26, 2019

Praise the Lord that His Word is living, active and powerful! As you may have noticed yesterday’s post was on the last verse of Isaiah 55. We have  finished about a week early to give you time to finish memorizing Isaiah 55 and to sure up your memory on the whole chapter so that you can quote it to someone by February 1st to complete the Challenge.

We will be posting final details on how to complete the Journey Challenge on January 31st so stay tuned. In the meantime we want to encourage you to take time to really meditate on and chew on the verses you have been memorizing this month. We know that this is probably the shortest chapter that we have ever done for a Journey Challenge but we have seen the vital importance of not just memorizing the Word but taking set aside time to get alone with the Lord and meditate on what has been memorized. 

As we spend time setting our mind on the Word and thinking on it, the Word begins to sink down into our hearts and transform our lives. Psalm 15 speaks of a person that will never be moved. One of the things it says this man does is that he: “…speaketh the truth in his heart.” Let us be those that turn from the busy things of life and take time to speak God’s Word (truth) to ourselves. We want to encourage those of you that have participated in this challenge to take time to take a verse you have memorized from Isaiah 55 and think on it, repeat it over and over, emphasize different words of it, picture it and really treasure it up in your heart!

Blessings as you spend time dwelling on this rich passage,

~The Journey Office


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