Dwelling In Christ

by | Jan 19, 2021

“For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell”

Colossians 1:19

Wow what a loaded verse! This passage has been a favorite of mine and also very convicting as I was meditating and memorizing it last spring. As we look at a little bit of the ground work where Paul wrote to the church of Colossae, which at the time was struggling to believe that Jesus isn’t just another prophet. Paul wrote this letter with boldness yet compassion to confront the church that Jesus is preeminent not just prominent, meaning that Jesus has been and will always be Jesus and that He’s not just another prophet of their time, Col. 1:17 And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.

As I looked at v.19 I asked myself what does it mean that in him should all fullness dwell? Louie Giglio gave the analogy as I live in America therefore America is in me. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to many countries across the world but no matter where I was, America was still home because its my place of residence. In the same way as we are in Christ and Christ in us, so even when I walk through the valleys of life I won’t dwell there because its not my home. The Apostle Paul understood this so well as He wrote this letter while chained in prison for his faith in Christ, wow it challenges me to be quick to recognize that that when I’m in those valleys that I don’t have to dwell there because its not my home.

As I found my identity in Christ and that Christ not only created me in His image but that He also shed His blood to redeem me to Himself! Therefore as we are His creation and He redeemed us, we are a part of the fullness of Christ! “For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell” Colossians 1:19.

How awesome is it that the Father was pleased to have us (fullness) dwell in Him!! Therefore I am complete in Christ because of the fullness of Christ!! “Everything Jesus is, Jesus is that in me” Louie Giglio

-Jason R


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